Surveys will begin to help designers of line under Střešovice
The line section between the new underground stations Praha-Dejvice and Praha-Veleslavín will run through two tunnels. Správa železnic therefore needs to obtain detailed information on the geological and water management conditions in their future route, which will serve as a basis for further design phases. The winner of the tender will start exploration work in the first quarter of this year.
Správa železnic has already approved the routing of the new section between Dejvice and Veleslavín. The northern variant, which runs under Střešovice, has been chosen for two mined single-track tunnels up to 82 metres below the surface. At the beginning of this year, a public hearing on the environmental impact assessment of the construction (EIA) was held, followed by the preparation of project documentation.
The project of the railway from the Prague city centre to Václav Havel Airport Prague is divided into eleven separate constructions, which are in various stages of preparation or implementation. The reconstruction of the Negrelli viaduct has already been completed, the reconstruction of Masaryk railway station and the modernisation of the line sections Praha-Bubny – Praha-Výstaviště a Kladno – Kladno-Ostrovec are underway. This year Správa železnic plans to start work between Praha-Ruzyně and Kladno.
The new railway to the airport will increase railway line capacity and operational safety. It will improve traffic flow and passenger comfort. The higher line speed will reduce travel time. At the same time, noise and vibrations in the track surroundings will be reduced. Operation will be provided by environmentally friendly electric units that will run at short intervals.
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