Press releases
Trains between Chomutov and Kadaň will speed up, they will stop closer to municipality in Málkov
Already in the middle of this year Správa železnic will start the reconstruction of the line section between Chomutov and Kadaň. It is now looking for a contractor. The construction will bring an increase in line speed up to 160 km/h, passengers at the stations will gain comfortable access to the platforms and boarding on the trains. It will be finished at the end of next year.
Accidents at level crossings are decreasing, further investments and awareness campaign will support positive trend
Správa železnic will upgrade another 130 level crossings this year, the costs should reach CZK 1.6 billion. Thanks to the continuous increase in the overall standard of level crossing safety, the number of accidents has been reduced, last year, the fewest in 5 years.
A new campaign warning drivers against risky behaviour should also contribute to this positive development.
Three constructions in Ústí nad Labem Region brought quieter and safer traffic
Správa železnic improved the parameters of several lines in the Ústí nad Labem Region. The bridges in the regional capital and Teplice, the overpass in Libochovany and the line section in Litoměřice were renewed. The construction modifications will be appreciated not only by passengers, but also by people living near the railway thanks to lower noise from railway transport. The total cost of all three buildings amounts to CZK 343 million, co-financed by the European Union through the Just Transition Mechanism (JTM).
Surveys will begin to help designers of line under Střešovice
Správa železnic continues to prepare the construction of another part of the railway to Václav Havel Airport Prague. It has now selected a contractor for an engineering geological and hydrogeological survey for the tunnel section between Prague Dejvice and Veleslavín. The works worth CZK 12,887,795 will be carried out by the company INSET. The construction itself should take place between 2028 and 2030.
New two-storey station will be built under main station
Správa železnic presented to the public the future shape of the new railway lines in the Prague railway node. From the feasibility study, the Central Commission of the Ministry of Transport selected a variant with two separate routes in tunnels and a two-storey central station under the main station. In addition, it added four more underground stops.
Work on Smíchov is in full swing, construction of completely new platform will begin this year
The reconstruction of Smíchov railway station is in full swing. For example, the extension of the pedestrian underpasses and the construction of a new footbridge over the tracks are underway. Now the builders will focus on bridges over several streets, therefore there will be traffic restrictions. From the beginning of February, first Hořejší nábřeží and then Nádražní Street will be closed for a short time.
Construction of the underpass in Studénka has its own contractor, it will cost hundreds of millions cheaper
Správa železnic has selected the contractor for the underpass at Studénka railway station. The construction works will be carried out by the company Firesta-Fišer, rekonstrukce, stavby and IDS – Inženýrské a dopravní stavby Olomouc. Their bid price of CZK 598,537,217 was almost CZK 270 million lower than the maximum allowable value. The underpass is expected to be operational at the end of 2026 and will be used by cars, integrated rescue system vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
Seven and half thousand interventions in whole year. Railway firefighters also helped during floods
The Fire and Rescue Corps of Správa železnic recorded 7,530 call-outs last year. Railway firefighters intervened in an average of two dozen incidents per day, with floods contributing significantly to the total number.
Three-track bridge on Prague's Výtoň has its designer
The preparation of the Vltava capacity bridge at Prague Výtoň has advanced to the next stage, Správa železnic has selected the designers of the new three-track bridge. Companies SUDOP Praha and TOP CON SERVIS were successful in the tender procedure and submitted the most advantageous offer in the amount of CZK 128,665,000. This is another key step to ensure a safe and high-capacity railway not only in the metropolitan area but also on the backbone line to Germany.
Modernisation of line to Zlín will start in a year, Správa železnic is also preparing other large constructions
Správa železnic has progressed in the preparation of the modernisation of the line from Otrokovice to Vizovice, it has already obtained a final building permit for the first section to Zlín střed station. The purchase of the necessary land is continuing so that a tender for a contractor for the work can be issued this year. The work is expected to start at the beginning of next year. Other significant investments are also being prepared in the region, for example the reconstruction of the platforms in Valašské Meziříčí and Uherské Hradiště or the electrification of several lines in the vicinity of Uherské Hradiště.