Three constructions in Ústí nad Labem Region brought quieter and safer traffic
Thanks to the construction work, for example, the non-compliant steel bridge between the Střekov and the western railway station in Ústí nad Labem was replaced. Trains under the famous landmark of the regional capital – Větruše – now use a quieter steel-concrete bridge structure.
The total cost of the project Reconstruction of the bridge on km 3.040 of the line Ústí nad Labem-Střekov – Ústí nad Labem západ reached CZK 105,902,461. The works were carried out by the company STRABAG Rail.
The new double-track bridge near Teplice v Čechách station has also brought less noise burden to its surroundings, it will be possible to increase the line speed up to 120 km/h in the future. The change in its overall length ensured an improvement in the visibility conditions at the intersection of Spojenecká Street and Na Hrázi Street, the pavement under the bridge was widened to two metres.
The total cost of the project Reconstruction of the bridge on km 18,582 of the line Ústí nad Labem – Most is CZK 80,539,755. The contractor was the company Chládek & Tintěra.
The double-track line across Litoměřice has also been renewed; it has newly received a noise wall, which reduces the impact of train operation on the surrounding buildings. Part of the construction was also the reconstruction of the road overpass in Libochovany, which ensured full access to the municipality centre.
The total costs of the project Reconstruction of the line including noise protection measures in the Litoměřice město – Velké Žernoseky section amount to CZK 156,351,585. The works were carried out by the company BERGER BOHEMIA.
The implementation of the buildings was co-financed by the European Union under the Just Transition Mechanism. The European Investment Bank loan provided for these constructions amounts to CZK 163,597,826. The rate of EU support is 25 % of the loan, the amount of the grant is CZK 40,899,457. National financing was provided by Státní fond dopravní infrastruktury (State Fund for Transport Infrastructure).
The European Union's Public Sector Loan Facility (PSLF), which is part of the Just Transition Mechanism, supports the modernisation of the railway infrastructure in the Ústí nad Labem Region with a grant of EUR 1.62 million. The PSLF grant complements the loan programme of the European Investment Bank (EIB), which covers several actions aimed at the modernisation of railway infrastructure in the Czech Republic.
The PSLF is the third pillar of the Just Transition Mechanism, a key instrument of the European Investment Plan to ensure that no region is left behind in the transition to a climate-neutral economy.
The combination of European Investment Bank support loans with European Commission grants is designed to mobilise additional investment for public sector entities in regions most affected by the climate-energy transition and to meet their development needs in the transition to a climate-neutral economy.
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